In October, mgr. Mateusz Grabarczyk was a visiting fellow at the Amsterdam Centre on the Legal Professions and Access to Justice (ACLPA, University of Amsterdam), under the supervision of Prof. Iris van Domselaar.
During his short stay at the ACLPA, he worked on the project: “Judges’ complicity in building non-democratic regimes”. He sought to answer why judges, often trained, and appointed by democratic governments, facilitate, and accept authoritarian power politics. Towards the end of his stay, M. Grabarczyk gave a presentation at the Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence at the University of Amsterdam Law School colloquium,
about the project’s results. Prof. Marc de Werd was the commentator on the presentation.
The internship was financed by the AMU International Compass project (Towards the internationalisation of the Doctoral School of AMU) and supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (no. PPI/STE2020/1/00007/U/00001).