Michał Wieczorkowski’s research stay at the University of Pittsburgh

M. Wieczorkowski in PittsburghIn late May and June of this year, Michał Wieczorkowski completed a three-week research internship at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh under the supervision of Prof. Robert Brandom. During his stay, M. Wieczorkowski worked on a project titled “Rule-following problem. The status of the rules of interpretation in the judicial practice in the light of the Wittgenstein’s sceptical paradox”. The research project aims to characterize the practice of using interpretive directives in legal practice and assess these directives’ ability to resolve interpretive problems. The stay provided an opportunity to conduct research using the extensive resources of the university’s library and to discuss preliminary research findings with the university faculty.

The research internship was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) research grant DI2018 001648 as part of the “Diamentowy Grant” program.

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