The XXX Jubilee World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) “Justice, Community and Freedom” was held in Bucharest (Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University) from July 3 to 8.
As part of the Congress, members of the Department organized two working panels. In the first, organized by Dr. Maciej Dybowski (UAM) and Dr. Verena Klappstein (University of Passau) entitled Languages of the Law: Vocabularies and Uses, the following members of the Department presented their papers: Prof. Marek Smolak (The Vocabulary of the Languages of the Law in the Conventional-Pragmatic Perspective), Dr. Maciej Dybowski (On two kinds of legal concepts), Dr. Mikołaj Hermann (Application and Applicability of Law in Relation to its Validity. Different Meanings. Different Uses)
, Dr. Michal Krotoszynski (Street Naming, Speech Acts and the Law), MA Weronika Dzięgielewska (Normativity of Law and the Normative Vocabularies in Law. A Pragmatist Route From Legal Situations to Legal Norms; speech within the realization of the NCN-funded research project – Prelude 20, no. 2021/41/N/HS5/02507) and Wojciech Rzepinski, MA (“Legal practice” as a part of the European Court of Justice’s vocabulary; speech within the realization of the NCN-funded research project – Prelude 17, no. 2019/33/N/HS5/01418). In addition to members of the Department, the panel included presentations by: Ondřej Glogar (Masaryk University in Brno), Francesco Ferraro (University of Milan), Stephen Pethick (University of Kent), Alexandre Hermet (University of Strasbourg) and Ana Van Liedekerke (KU Leuven).
In the second panel Intersections of the Practices: Linguistic, Social, Legal organized by Weronika Dzięgielewska, M.A., and Wojciech Rzepinski, M.A., as part of the realization of the NCN-funded research project Prelude 20, No. 2021/41/N/HS5/02507, the following members of the Department presented their papers: Maciej Dybowski, Ph.D. (Science of law as the pragmatic meta-vocabulary: explaining legal concepts via practices), Michał Wieczorkowski, M.A. (Canons of construction in the legal practice in the light of the skeptical solution), Weronika Dzięgielewska, M.A. (What is practical about law’s normativity (and why it is the other way round)) and Wojciech Rzepiński, M.A. (Attitudes Specific to Legal Practice and How to Find
Them? ). Also delivering their papers were: David Sierra Sorockinas (Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana), Cristiano Moita (Research Team “Normativity, Critique, Change” affiliated with the Free University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin and Berlin University of the Arts), Alex Horne (University of Cambrigde), Maciej Próchnicki (Jagiellonian University) and Tomasz Zygmunt (Jagiellonian University).
Dr. Michal Krotoszynski also appeared on the working panel “Philosophy of Human Rights: Questions on Dignity and Social Construction” with a paper entitled Transitional Justice in Light of Theory of Legal Principles.
In turn, Mateusz Grabarczyk, M.A., spoke as part of the work of Working Group 2 with a paper entitled The Role of Judiciary Reform and Judges’ Liability within the Transitional Justice Framework (as part of the realization of a research project funded by NCN – Prelude 20, No. 2021/41/N/HS5/02006).