Academic position: Doctoral student at Doctoral School of Social Sciences AMU
Profession: attorney-at-law
# ORCID: 0000-0002-7554-5692
Duty hours: after prior appointment via @
Academic interests: transitional justice, philosophy of law, political philosophy, sociology of law, human rights
I. Education
VIII 2023: attorney-at-law, Poznań Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law.
VI 2019: master’s degree in legal sciences in the field of law, Faculty of Law and Administration AMU.
VI 2017: bachelor’s degree in the sciences in the field of sound engineering, Institute of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics AMU.
II. Publications
- Judicial sustainability jako pożądana cnota sędziowska, in: T. Widłak (ed.), Cnoty sędziowskie. Refleksje prawnicze, Gdańsk 2023, s. 85-100.
- Reform of the judiciary and judges’ responsibility after 1989 in Poland, in: Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern Europe. Coping with the Communist Past, Deutsche Gesellschaft e. V., Berlin 2021, s. 61-72.
- Pasikowski’s ‘Pigs’ as an Illustration of Vetting in a Transitional Society, Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej [Eng. Journal of the Polish Section of IVR], 2021, Nr 1 (26), s. 100-111.
- Uniformed Services Pension Amendment Acts in Poland as Part of State Politics of Memory, Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej [Eng. Journal of the Polish Section of IVR], 2019, Nr 3 (21), s. 67-80.
III. Conference Presentations
- IV Prof. Stanisław Czepita’s Scientific Conference “About the Understanding of Law and Jurisprudence”, University of Szczecin (24 XI 2023); paper: Współudział sądownictwa w budowaniu rządów niedemokratycznych [eng. Judges’ complicity in building non-democratic regimes].
- Conference “The Issues in the Theory and Philosophy of Law. Autonomy of Law, Legal Theory and Practice” [Pol. Z Zagadnień Teorii i Filozofii Prawa. Autonomia Prawa, Teorii i Praktyki Prawniczej], Uniwersity of Wrocław (25-27 IX 2023); presentation title: Instrumentalizacja sprawiedliwości tranzycyjnej przy budowaniu reżimów niedemokratycznych [Eng. Instrumentalization of transitional justice in the building of non-democratic regimes].
- 15th CEE Forum of Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists “Democratic Futures: New Technologies, Crises, Emotions”, Jagiellonian University in Krakow (14-15 IX 2023); paper: Judges’ complicity in building non-democratic regimes.
- XIth Congress of Young Theorists and Philosophers of Law “Taking Rights Seriously” [Pol. „Biorąc prawa podmiotowe poważnie”], University of Warsaw (7-10 X 2023), presentation title: Sprawiedliwość tranzycyjna a jakość demokracji [Eng. Transitional justice and the quality of democracy].
- 2022 IVR World Congress “Justice, Community and Freedom”, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University w Bukareszcie, Rumunia (3-8 VII 2022); presentation title: „The Role of Judiciary Reform and Judges’ Liability within the Transitional Justice Framework”.
- 2021 European Researchers’ Night, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (24 IX 2021), lecture title: Jak rozliczyć Purpurowe Koszule? O sprawiedliwości tranzycyjnej [Eng. How to deal with the Purple Shirts? On Transitional Justice].
- Conference “The Issues in the Theory and Philosophy of Law. Responsibility” [Pol. Z Zagadnień Teorii i Filozofii Prawa. Odpowiedzialność], Uniwersity of Wrocław (20-21 IX 2021 r.), presentation title: Judges’ disciplinary responsibility in the light of CJEU and ECtHR case-law [Pol. Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna sędziów w świetle orzecznictwa TSUE i ETPCz].
- Summer School Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern Europe – Coping with the Communist Past, Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. (Berlin, 4-10 VIII 2021), presentation title: Reform of the judiciary and judges’ responsibility after 1989 in Poland.
- Xth Congress of Young Theorists and Philosophers of Law “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Interpretation of Law” [Pol. „Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty wykładni prawa”], University of Szczecin, Poland and the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), (24-25 V 2021); presentation title: Wykładnia systemowa ustaw regulujących emerytury służb mundurowych w Polsce. Orzecznictwo i problemy teoretyczne [Eng. Systemic interpretation of laws regulating uniformed services pensions in Poland. Judicature and theoretical problems].
- 17th Groningen Model United Nations GrunnMUN 2019, Vision 2020: Reforming the International System for a New Century, University of Groningen (28 II 2019); working group: In Iustitia Discordia: Dealing with Problematic Member States.
- National Conference: History of International Law – Founders, Doctrines, Directions [Pol. Historia Prawa Międzynarodowego – twórcy, doktryny, kierunki], Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (1 December 2018); presentation title: International Law and the Use of Force against the State, that is, from Just War to United Nations.
IV. Research stays
2024: Visiting PhD student, Department of Law, European University Institute (EUI), research project “Judging judicial independence – Judges’ liability from a transitional justice viewpoint” no. 2021/41/N/HS5/02006, financed by the Polish National Science Centre (1 II – 1 III 2024).
2023: Visiting fellow at the Amsterdam Centre on the Legal Professions and Access to Justice, University of Amsterdam, project: Judges’ complicity in building non-democratic regimes, financed within the project “Towards the internationalisation of the Doctoral School of AMU” as part of the NAWA STER Program, concluded with the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (October 2023).
2021: Summer School Państwo prawa – historia, teoria i przyszłość [Eng. The Rule of Law – history, theory and future], Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
2021: Summer School Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern Europe – Coping with the Communist Past, Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V.
2019: Erasmus+ Programme Grantee, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / University of Groningen.
V. Research projects
2022 – …: Principal Investigator of the research project “Judging judicial independence – Judges’ liability from a transitional justice viewpoint” financed by the Polish National Science Centre (2021/41/N/HS5/02006).
VI. Ancillary activities
since 2021: a member of the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR).
2019: Energy Academy – International Center of Expertise for Energy Transition Groningen.
2019: International Affairs Committee SOG (member).
2017-2019: Scientific Circle of the Civil Procedural Law (President).
2017-2018: Student University Legal Clinic AMU, criminal law and civil law (volunteer).
VII. Achievements
2018-2019: Grantee of the Scholarship for best students of the UAM Rector, II grade.
2016-2017: Grantee of the Scholarship for best students of the UAM Rector, III grade.
VIII. Courses, training, certificates
2023: Transitology – Pathways to and from Democracy, Global Campus of Human Rights
2023: Freedom of Expression, The European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP), the Council of Europe (CoE).
2022: In the Shadows of Transitional Justice, University of Lausanne.
2022: Prevention and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence: The Role of Transitional Justice, International Center for Transitional Justice.
2022: Certificate in Advanced English (C1).
2020: Moral Foundations of Politics, Yale University.
2020: Transitional Justice and Human Rights, The European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP), the Council of Europe (CoE).
2019: Introductory Course on the Constitution of United States of America, Federal Judicial System and Federal Criminal Law and Practice, Center for International Legal Studies of Salzburg, Austria.
2018: Justice, Harvard University.